Free & Easy - Gluten & Dairy Free Chocolate Brownie Mix, 350g

Free & Easy - Gluten & Dairy Free Chocolate Brownie Mix, 350g

Brand - Free & Easy
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Quick Description

The ideal treat for all you choco-holics out there, Free & Easy Chocolate Brownie Mix is sure to keep you completely happy and guilt-free.

Key Information

  • Mouth-watering brownies in under 30 minutes
  • No refined sugars
  • No palm oil 
  • Completely free from dairy, wheat, gluten, soya and nuts

Product Overview

Sometimes you just want to indulge yourself with a delicious, chocolaty treat. Which is why the best thing to do is to whip up a batch of Free & Easy Chocolate Brownies - completely dairy and gluten-free. 

A wonderful vegan alternative to the real thing, this brownie mix is free from any nasties and common allergens. It can even boast a few health benefits as it is made using gluten-free plain flour and teff flour. 

Containing absolutely no palm oil or refined sugars, it is also a soya-free mix. Whether you want them gooey or cakey, these brownies are sure to be utterly delicious, and will definitely hit the chocolaty spot. 

Cooking Instructions

  1. Preheat your oven to 160°C/150°C (fan)/Gas Mark 4
  2. Sieve the contents of the brownie mix into a bowl
  3. Add 100ml Vegetable Oil and 115ml Water and mix until combined.
  4. Spoon into your prepared brownie tin (17 x 29 x 3cm) and bake for 15 minutes for gooey brownies, or 20-25 minutes for a more cakey brownie.
  5. Cool on a wire rack and eat!


Coconut Blossom Sugar (47%), Teff Flour (20%), Gluten Free Plain Flour (Rice, Potato, Tapioca, Maize, Buckwheat), Cacao Powder (10%), Potato Starch, Tapioca Starch, Raising Agent (Monocalcium Phosphate, Corn Starch, Sodium Bicarbonate), Potato Starch, Xanthan Gum, Bicarbonate of Soda.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is teff flour so healthy?

Teff is a very good choice for people who have cardiovascular risks because it is naturally very low in sodium. Furthermore, it is an excellent source of Vitamin C, which most grains don’t offer, and is high in resistant starch which can benefit blood-sugar and weight management.