Strong Women, Strong Bodies: How Plant-Based Diets Support Women’s Fitness

Strong Women, Strong Bodies: How Plant-Based Diets Support Women’s Fitness

Plant-based diets are more than just a fad. It’s a lifestyle that powers many women around the globe! That said, we’re taking a closer look at how to support women’s fitness through the use of plant-based means. 

We’re not just talking about traditional plant-based foods here. We’re talking about so much more like sports drinks and supplements! If you hesitate on the latter, we hope to change your mind. Supplements are a super convenient way to boost your health. We’ll go all in on that later so do read on.

What Is A Plant-Based Diet?

Let’s quickly go through this for the folks new to plant-based diets. Plant-based diets revolve around eating and drinking only vegan-friendly foods. That means no dairy, meats, and any animal-derived foods (that includes honey). Vegan diets are different from certain vegetarian diets as the latter would allow the consumption of cheese, yoghurt, eggs, fish, and butter. We think that this explanation sums it up quite well.

While most are happy to stop there, some take it a step further by opting for a vegan or plant-based lifestyle by only using anywhere from plant-powered household cleaning supplies to skincare items. You see, some beauty products are made with milk, milk proteins, and even honey. So, many still prefer to skip those altogether.

How Can Plant-Based Diets Support Women’s Fitness?

How Can Plant-Based Diets Support Women’s Fitness?

Women have unique health needs that can be sorted through plant-based eating, particularly when it comes to fitness. With the right approach to a plant-based diet, women can optimise their workouts, promote muscle growth, and improve recovery - all while reducing their environmental footprint and contributing to a more sustainable food system.

Let’s break down how plant-based diets help support women’s fitness! 

Boosting Energy

There are many natural foods for energy that you can eat throughout the day. Fruits like bananas and apples can provide lasting energy, unlike those sugary and immensely processed foods (those can also cause unwanted sugar crashes)

Plant-based foods are packed with complex carbohydrates - those are the ones you want if your preferred exercises are intense, like running or weightlifting. What other foods are great for boosting energy? Quinoa, lentils, brown rice, and sweet potatoes. 

Supporting Gains

How to build muscle as a vegan? The same way anyone else does - only with some mindful substitutions. Animal meat is practically synonymous with the word “protein”. But there are other protein-rich sources for us vegans like chickpeas, beans, soy, and tempeh. 

Sure, protein is essential for building muscle. But it’s also key in recovery. If you want the gym jock experience, there are numerous plant-powered protein powders and shakes that you can easily pick up and use to add to your pre-workout shakes and smoothies.

Improving Recovery

When we talk about fitness, the brain automatically thinks of power lifting or cardio - and, yes, that is certainly part of it. Most forget the importance of rest and recovery. After workouts, our muscles get inflamed, therefore triggering the body's natural inflammatory response. A proper fitness diet includes foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties like nuts, leafy greens, and seeds. 

Why do anti-inflammatory foods matter? Well, they help reduce soreness and help speed up recovery. Even turmeric and ginger are said to be helpful, as well as green tea. And let’s not forget to sleep!

Managing Weight

Managing Weight

For many women, maintaining a healthy weight is a key part of fitness. Plant-based diets are naturally lower in calories and less fatty compared to traditional diets. A diet rich in whole foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains can help with weight management by increasing satiety and reducing overall calorie intake.

Plant-based foods tend to be higher in fiber, too. This can help you feel full for longer, thereby regulating your appetite - in a natural way, no less. Plant-based options are also less likely to be super processed, which can be helpful with managing your energy and keeping you energised throughout the day - no need for that afternoon iced coffee! It means you’re eating exactly what you need without adding extra calories.

Supplementing Diets

We aren’t afraid to say it. Sometimes with plant-based diets, you can be lacking in certain nutrients. There’s a study that supports this statement, too. Nutrients like vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin D, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids aren’t as prominent in vegan diets. That’s why there’s no shame if you feel like you need to take supplements. 

Yes, there are many vegan supplement options out there, and you can just as easily find them as you would traditional supplements. You can get tablets, liquids, powders, capsules… Just about any form of supplement you need.

Our Plant-Based Game? Just as Strong!

Strong Women, Strong Bodies: How Plant-Based Diets Support Women’s Fitness

By embracing a plant-based diet, women can fuel their bodies for optimal performance. Whether you’re just starting your plant-based journey or already living a plant-powered lifestyle, the benefits are clear: plant-based diets support fitness, health, and vitality for women in every stage of life!