Easy-to-use and hugely versatile, plant-based protein powder can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Whether combined with water for a simple pre or post-workout shake, blended into a delicious breakfast smoothie, or even incorporated into your Sunday morning chocolate chip pancakes! There really are no limits to how you can introduce protein powder into your diet. 

To find out more about dairy-free protein and find the best protein powder for you look no further! Read on to find out how much protein you need depending on your diet and exercise routine.

Why is protein important for building strength and developing muscle mass? How much is recommended?

Much of our body is made up of protein - from the hair to the skin to the muscle. When exercising or working out, we are effectively causing minor injury to our muscle proteins which need to be rebuilt or repaired post-workout. In short, people who work out regularly need more protein to support this process.

Everyone’s body is different so it can be difficult to give a definitive statement of how much protein is needed to maintain a healthy weight or gain weight and muscle mass. Scientists and dieticians are somewhat divided on this topic so let’s break down some of the overarching ideas and debunk some of the myths.

Overall, research recommends that if you’re at a healthy weight but you are looking to gain weight and build muscle mass that you consume 1.4g of protein per kg of bodyweight.

So for example, if you are weighing in at 70kg that would mean that you would need to consume approximately 98g of protein per day - a lot, right? That’s why buying protein powder is an easy, affordable and healthy way to hit these protein goals. 

Debunking the myth: Protein is all you need to build muscle 

You will only really see the effects of increasing your protein intake if you match it with time spent in the gym. Having two plant-based protein shakes a day won’t magically lead to muscle growth, you actually need to lift the weights as well.

Building strength and muscle and developing a healthy lifestyle is not down to protein alone. It is important to make sure that you are leading a balanced lifestyle with a rich variety of fruits, vegetables, fats and carbohydrates.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How much protein is there in a serving of protein powder? 

This question really depends on the brand of plant-based protein powder that you are opting for and the natural source from which they have derived their protein.

The Nutrisport 90+ Protein Powder contains a whopping 36.1g of plant-based protein per serving. This is primarily due to its wide range of extracted proteins derived from soy, pea and rice! 

By contrast, the Essential Chocolate Protein from Vega contains 22g of protein per 36g serving - derived from delicious fruits and veggies and finished with a tasty chocolate flavouring!

When is the best time to take protein powder? 

There are no real strict rules when it comes to taking protein powder - sometimes just finding the free time to fit it into your daily routine is an achievement in itself.

That said, experts have coined what they call the “Anabolic Window” for muscle gain which takes place 30- 60 minutes after working out. The theory goes that if you have damaged muscle fibres during a workout, consuming high levels of protein as soon as possible can optimise muscle growth and repair.

Other studies, however, have demonstrated that rushing to consume high levels of protein does not necessarily increase the rate of protein synthesis. 

What are the environmental benefits of opting for a plant-based protein over whey protein?

The farming of animals makes up for about 18% of the world’s carbon footprint, and the manufacturing of whey protein powders certainly contributes to this. Switching to a plant-based protein powder is one easy way to reduce your own carbon footprint and to look out for the environment. 

How to make the perfect high protein breakfast smoothie.

An easy, healthy start to the day and a sure-fire way to get all of the essential protein and fibre that you need - why not try out this tasty banana smoothie with protein powder?

Begin by placing an overripe banana and a handful of strawberries in a blender or food processor, add a cupful of organic rolled porridge oats and a cup of your favourite nut milk and one scoop of protein powder. 

Why not try adding a spoonful of peanut butter, a dash of cinnamon or berry powder to boost your vitamin intake?

How to get creative with protein powder

The options really are limitless, it’s always worth looking online to find out about new and fun ways to incorporate plant-based protein powder into your diet. 

Cookies, cake and pancakes galore! Using -protein powder in all of your favourite baked goods is an excellent and effective way to increase your protein intake - all while enjoying some delicious sweet treats.